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I love makeup. I've been playing around with it since I could put my hands on it. When I was seven I use to put posters outside my room pretending my room was a salon and I listed prices and etc. I wear makeup because I love applying it. Its not a cover up thing for me. I do think I'm beautiful with out it and my boyfriend actually dislikes when I wear it but its an Art for me. I love applying it, shading and blending different eye shadows together. I'm going to start doing makeup tutorials on how to apply makeup. I'm slowly but gradually filling up my makeup box, but I have to say it gets expensive. I cannot wait to go back to Cosmo this year and finish up getting my license. I wish I can just go to school for makeup because the hair process in Cosmo is soooo long and dreading but I think I should just do everything hair and makeup so I have a good background. Lets wait and see. Tune in for my Makeup Tutorial Soon! <3
xo Domi